Insurance for Personal Trainers, Gym Instructor and Nutritionists

18 / October / 2022
What Insurance Do I Need As A Fitness Professional?

Everyone who works in the fitness industry is required to have the appropriate insurance for their role. As an employee you may be already covered by your employers insurance policy (and this is always worth checking), but as a self-employed professional it is absolutley vital you get the correct insurance to protect you against all eventualities, not to mention the legal requirments of doing so! Below you can find out the types of insurance you are required to have as a fitness professional...

What type of insurance do I need?

As a fitness professional your insurance should cover you against 3 potential risks: 
  1. Injury to your clients 
  2. Injury to yourself or your empoyees 
  3. Property damage or theft 
The exact type of insurance that your are legally required to have will depend on your role, and you should make sure you adequately research the requirements before taking on clients. Many insurance companies provide comprehensive insurance for a specific role that includes all the legal requirments. For example, LEAP Academy's insurance partner (Westminster Insurance) propvide the following insurance policies: 
  • Personal Trainer Insurance 
  • Fitness Instructor Insurance 
  • Nutritional Advisor Insurance 

These insurance policies will provide you with Public Liability Insurance and Professional Indemnity Insurance which are both legal requirments of these roles. 

There are many other types of coverage that you can have as a fitness professional, but Public Liability and Proessional Indemnity are the only ones which are a legal requirment. As an addition you may want to consider: 
  • Portable business equipment - insurance against the loss, theft or damange of your business equipment, such as weights or body analysis machines 
  • Office contents - protects against the loss, damage or theft of your office equipment (if you have one!)
  • Personal Accident - provides you with coverage if you are injuryed and unable to work for a period of time. Usually this will pay out a % of your wages or salary 
  • Cyber and Data Liability - covers you againat cyber attacks, loss of data, missuse of IP - this is recommended if you hold a large amount of customer data or conduct your business online  
  • Empoyers liability - this will be a legal requiment if you have employees in your business. This provides coverage to your employees if they are injured or fall ill as a result of their employement with you

How Much Does Insurance Cost?

Insurance costs can vary quite a lot depending on your role, experience, location and previous claims. To give you some guidance we have provided the current comprehensive insurance prices from our insurance partner, Westminster Insurance. These prices are based on a newly qualified fitness professional who is planning to work self-employed and will earn less than £100,000 per year: 

Personal Trainer Insurance - £227 per year 
Fitness Instructor Insurance - £107 per year
Nutritional Advisor Insurance - £107 per year

These prices would cover personal liability and professinoal indemnity insurance, with other types of coverage being optional extras. 

If you are a LEAP Academy student you will be able to get £15 off these prices at every renewal with Westminster Insurance 